WAFFL Fixtures 2024/2025
Active or completed fixture details can be viewed by clicking on the fixture once the transfer deadline for the relevant week has passed.
Week 1 (Deadline = 18:30 on Friday, 16th August 2024)
8th of May v Lokomotiv Lesbia 5-0
Aston Vanilla v The Bastard Sons of Peter Beardsley 0-2
Be Champions v Dimis Crusaders 0-2
Week 2 (Deadline = 12:00 on Saturday, 24th August 2024)
Ethynol Rangers v Dimis Crusaders 4-4
In Wilder We Trust v 8th of May 2-0
Lokomotiv Lesbia v Fat Gadgies 0-5
Spanish Villains v Aston Vanilla 9-4
The Bastard Sons of Peter Beardsley v Cloughies Red Nose 4-2
Week 3 (Deadline = 12:00 on Saturday, 31st August 2024)
8th of May v The Bastard Sons of Peter Beardsley 1-0
Aston Vanilla v Ethynol Rangers 0-0
Be Champions v Lokomotiv Lesbia 1-0
Week 4 (Deadline = 12:00 on Saturday, 14th September 2024)
Aston Vanilla v Cloughies Red Nose 0-0
In Wilder We Trust v Be Champions 4-0
Lokomotiv Lesbia v Dimis Crusaders 1-1
Week 5 (Deadline = 12:00 on Saturday, 21st September 2024)
8th of May v Aston Vanilla 1-2
Be Champions v The Bastard Sons of Peter Beardsley 0-1
Cloughies Red Nose v Ethynol Rangers 4-0
Dimis Crusaders v In Wilder We Trust 4-0
Week 6 (Deadline = 12:00 on Saturday, 28th September 2024)
Aston Vanilla v Fat Gadgies 8-0
Cloughies Red Nose v 8th of May 0-2
Ethynol Rangers v Lokomotiv Lesbia 3-0
Week 7 (Deadline = 12:00 on Saturday, 5th October 2024)
8th of May v Ethynol Rangers 2-4
Be Champions v Aston Vanilla 0-3
Dimis Crusaders v Spanish Villains 9-0
Fat Gadgies v Cloughies Red Nose 5-0
Week 8 (Deadline = 12:00 on Saturday, 19th October 2024)
Aston Vanilla v Dimis Crusaders 1-4
Cloughies Red Nose v Be Champions 3-2
Week 9 (Deadline = 18:30 on Friday, 25th October 2024)
Dimis Crusaders v Cloughies Red Nose 0-0
Fat Gadgies v Ethynol Rangers 1-0
In Wilder We Trust v The Bastard Sons of Peter Beardsley 3-0
Week 10 (Deadline = 12:00 on Saturday, 2nd November 2024)
8th of May v Dimis Crusaders 0-2
Aston Vanilla v Lokomotiv Lesbia 6-0
Ethynol Rangers v The Bastard Sons of Peter Beardsley 2-1
Week 11 (Deadline = 12:00 on Saturday, 9th November 2024)
Be Champions v Ethynol Rangers 0-2
Dimis Crusaders v Fat Gadgies 4-0
In Wilder We Trust v Aston Vanilla 1-1
Lokomotiv Lesbia v Cloughies Red Nose 0-0
Week 12 (Deadline = 12:00 on Saturday, 23rd November 2024)
Aston Vanilla v In Wilder We Trust 4-0
Cloughies Red Nose v Lokomotiv Lesbia 2-3
Ethynol Rangers v Be Champions 1-0
Week 13 (Deadline = 18:30 on Friday, 29th November 2024)
Be Champions v Fat Gadgies 0-7
Dimis Crusaders v 8th of May 2-4
In Wilder We Trust v Spanish Villains 2-5
Lokomotiv Lesbia v Aston Vanilla 0-9
Week 14 (Deadline = 18:30 on Tuesday, 3rd December 2024)
Cloughies Red Nose v Dimis Crusaders
Week 15 (Deadline = 12:00 on Saturday, 7th December 2024)
Be Champions v Cloughies Red Nose
Dimis Crusaders v Aston Vanilla
Fat Gadgies v 8th of May
In Wilder We Trust v Ethynol Rangers
Lokomotiv Lesbia v The Bastard Sons of Peter Beardsley
TITS v Spanish Villains
Week 16 (Deadline = 12:00 on Saturday, 14th December 2024)
Aston Vanilla v Be Champions
Cloughies Red Nose v Fat Gadgies
Ethynol Rangers v 8th of May
In Wilder We Trust v Lokomotiv Lesbia
Spanish Villains v Dimis Crusaders
The Bastard Sons of Peter Beardsley v TITS
Week 17 (Deadline = 12:00 on Saturday, 21st December 2024)
8th of May v Cloughies Red Nose
Be Champions v Spanish Villains
Dimis Crusaders v The Bastard Sons of Peter Beardsley
Fat Gadgies v Aston Vanilla
Lokomotiv Lesbia v Ethynol Rangers
TITS v In Wilder We Trust
Week 18 (Deadline = 18:30 on Thursday, 26th December 2024)
Aston Vanilla v 8th of May
Ethynol Rangers v Cloughies Red Nose
In Wilder We Trust v Dimis Crusaders
Lokomotiv Lesbia v TITS
Spanish Villains v Fat Gadgies
The Bastard Sons of Peter Beardsley v Be Champions
Week 19 (Deadline = 18:30 on Sunday, 29th December 2024)
8th of May v Spanish Villains
Be Champions v In Wilder We Trust
Cloughies Red Nose v Aston Vanilla
Dimis Crusaders v Lokomotiv Lesbia
Fat Gadgies v The Bastard Sons of Peter Beardsley
TITS v Ethynol Rangers
Week 20 (Deadline = 12:00 on Saturday, 4th January 2025)
Ethynol Rangers v Aston Vanilla
In Wilder We Trust v Fat Gadgies
Lokomotiv Lesbia v Be Champions
Spanish Villains v Cloughies Red Nose
The Bastard Sons of Peter Beardsley v 8th of May
TITS v Dimis Crusaders
Week 21 (Deadline = 18:30 on Tuesday, 14th January 2025)
8th of May v In Wilder We Trust
Aston Vanilla v Spanish Villains
Be Champions v TITS
Cloughies Red Nose v The Bastard Sons of Peter Beardsley
Dimis Crusaders v Ethynol Rangers
Fat Gadgies v Lokomotiv Lesbia
Week 22 (Deadline = 12:00 on Saturday, 18th January 2025)
Dimis Crusaders v Be Champions
Ethynol Rangers v Spanish Villains
In Wilder We Trust v Cloughies Red Nose
Lokomotiv Lesbia v 8th of May
The Bastard Sons of Peter Beardsley v Aston Vanilla
TITS v Fat Gadgies
Week 23 (Deadline = 12:00 on Saturday, 25th January 2025)
Aston Vanilla v Fat Gadgies
Cloughies Red Nose v 8th of May
Dimis Crusaders v Ethynol Rangers
Lokomotiv Lesbia v In Wilder We Trust
Spanish Villains v Be Champions
TITS v The Bastard Sons of Peter Beardsley
Week 24 (Deadline = 12:00 on Saturday, 1st February 2025)
Be Champions v 8th of May
Dimis Crusaders v TITS
Ethynol Rangers v In Wilder We Trust
Fat Gadgies v Cloughies Red Nose
Spanish Villains v Aston Vanilla
The Bastard Sons of Peter Beardsley v Lokomotiv Lesbia
Week 25 (Deadline = 12:00 on Saturday, 15th February 2025)
8th of May v Fat Gadgies
Aston Vanilla v Be Champions
Cloughies Red Nose v Spanish Villains
In Wilder We Trust v The Bastard Sons of Peter Beardsley
Lokomotiv Lesbia v Dimis Crusaders
TITS v Ethynol Rangers
Week 26 (Deadline = 12:00 on Saturday, 22nd February 2025)
Aston Vanilla v Cloughies Red Nose
Be Champions v Fat Gadgies
Dimis Crusaders v In Wilder We Trust
Ethynol Rangers v The Bastard Sons of Peter Beardsley
Spanish Villains v 8th of May
TITS v Lokomotiv Lesbia
Week 27 (Deadline = 18:30 on Tuesday, 25th February 2025)
8th of May v Aston Vanilla
Cloughies Red Nose v Be Champions
Fat Gadgies v Spanish Villains
In Wilder We Trust v TITS
Lokomotiv Lesbia v Ethynol Rangers
The Bastard Sons of Peter Beardsley v Dimis Crusaders
Week 28 (Deadline = 12:00 on Saturday, 8th March 2025)
Aston Vanilla v 8th of May
Be Champions v Cloughies Red Nose
Dimis Crusaders v The Bastard Sons of Peter Beardsley
Ethynol Rangers v Lokomotiv Lesbia
Spanish Villains v Fat Gadgies
TITS v In Wilder We Trust
Week 29 (Deadline = 12:00 on Saturday, 15th March 2025)
8th of May v Spanish Villains
Cloughies Red Nose v Aston Vanilla
Fat Gadgies v Be Champions
In Wilder We Trust v Dimis Crusaders
Lokomotiv Lesbia v TITS
The Bastard Sons of Peter Beardsley v Ethynol Rangers
Week 30 (Deadline = 18:30 on Tuesday, 1st April 2025)
Be Champions v Aston Vanilla
Dimis Crusaders v Lokomotiv Lesbia
Ethynol Rangers v TITS
Fat Gadgies v 8th of May
Spanish Villains v Cloughies Red Nose
The Bastard Sons of Peter Beardsley v In Wilder We Trust
Week 31 (Deadline = 12:00 on Saturday, 5th April 2025)
8th of May v Be Champions
Aston Vanilla v Spanish Villains
Cloughies Red Nose v Fat Gadgies
In Wilder We Trust v Ethynol Rangers
Lokomotiv Lesbia v The Bastard Sons of Peter Beardsley
TITS v Dimis Crusaders
Week 32 (Deadline = 18:30 on Saturday, 12th April 2025)
8th of May v Cloughies Red Nose
Be Champions v Spanish Villains
Ethynol Rangers v Dimis Crusaders
Fat Gadgies v Aston Vanilla
In Wilder We Trust v Lokomotiv Lesbia
The Bastard Sons of Peter Beardsley v TITS
Week 33 (Deadline = 12:00 on Saturday, 19th April 2025)
8th of May v In Wilder We Trust
Aston Vanilla v TITS
Be Champions v Ethynol Rangers
Cloughies Red Nose v Lokomotiv Lesbia
Fat Gadgies v The Bastard Sons of Peter Beardsley
Spanish Villains v Dimis Crusaders
Week 34 (Deadline = 12:00 on Saturday, 26th April 2025)
Dimis Crusaders v Be Champions
Ethynol Rangers v Fat Gadgies
In Wilder We Trust v Cloughies Red Nose
Lokomotiv Lesbia v Aston Vanilla
The Bastard Sons of Peter Beardsley v 8th of May
TITS v Spanish Villains
Week 35 (Deadline = 12:00 on Saturday, 3rd May 2025)
8th of May v Ethynol Rangers
Aston Vanilla v In Wilder We Trust
Be Champions v TITS
Cloughies Red Nose v The Bastard Sons of Peter Beardsley
Fat Gadgies v Dimis Crusaders
Spanish Villains v Lokomotiv Lesbia
Week 36 (Deadline = 12:00 on Saturday, 10th May 2025)
Dimis Crusaders v 8th of May
Ethynol Rangers v Cloughies Red Nose
In Wilder We Trust v Spanish Villains
Lokomotiv Lesbia v Be Champions
The Bastard Sons of Peter Beardsley v Aston Vanilla
TITS v Fat Gadgies
Week 37 (Deadline = 12:00 on Sunday, 18th May 2025)
8th of May v TITS
Aston Vanilla v Ethynol Rangers
Be Champions v In Wilder We Trust
Cloughies Red Nose v Dimis Crusaders
Fat Gadgies v Lokomotiv Lesbia
Spanish Villains v The Bastard Sons of Peter Beardsley
Week 38 (Deadline = 12:00 on Sunday, 25th May 2025)
Dimis Crusaders v Aston Vanilla
Ethynol Rangers v Spanish Villains
In Wilder We Trust v Fat Gadgies
Lokomotiv Lesbia v 8th of May
The Bastard Sons of Peter Beardsley v Be Champions
TITS v Cloughies Red Nose